Sunday, June 06, 2010

Meeting Cocoy's Anne for the first time

The del Prado sisters & I arrange to meet
Cocoy Caeg's wife/mother of his child-to be, Anne Reyes,
for the very first time

Dewi, Dalah, and Sean

Dalah with nephew, Gavin

del Prado family & I with Cocoy & Anne

Cocoy, Sean, Gavin, and Dalah

Sean with Gavin

Cocoy practicing on Gavin on how to be a good daddy.

Dalah, Sean, Cocoy, Anne, Dewi, and John

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Dalah's L.A. Visit June 2010

Dalah flew from New York to L.A.,
then biked from Torrance to Playa del Rey

Dalah with Besi & Birdie.
Shortly after Dalah's visit,
Besi's health deteriorated and she passed away 3 weeks later. :-(